Thursday, July 12, 2012


Vancouver Vabncouver Vancouver!!!!! I'm going tomorrow! I am skip sumer class becuase its totaly stupp stupp stuppid! My friend is drivign us up and awesome awesome AAWESOME! Duty free tax shop, buy liquors and wines! I may take POT! It is legal in CANADA! My Dad hates it becuase it is OK to smoke. I may bring home it, but hidden!!!!!! DONT ASK WERE!!!! See you in the flip!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Year of DRAGON!

It's the new year and the DRRRAAAGOOONNN!!!!!! ! !!

Im goin to eat all foods this week-end in Seattle. My parents are staying home. Theyre Japanese and think that China is lowclass. Dont say I say that.

I have got Cs in all my clases and I bet that Dad will make me come home. FAT CHANCE FAT FAT!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Guys I feel bad!!! I went to a bar lsat nite with schoolfriends and I had way WAY WAY to many sake bombs. Whos idea is making those! I had to leave bology class becaseu I was so sick. SORRY JANITOR!

American friends?! WHAT is Monday for?!?!? I have class but they say not to come!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


LOOK! OMG! Ema Watson drinks beers! SHe's like 10 in this picture!


I had lunch but I want more lunch! A restaurant by thje school servces AMAZE AMZE AMAZE soup bowls! Jane Robert and I went two days ago. DAD says I shouldnt have JApanese food in the US because it tastes like WEDDING BOWL SPIT. "WEDDING BOWL SPIT!!!!" Jane laughed for minute after minute. Robert was mad. I told him not to be mad because DAD hates every thing.


School, it's friends and my favrite time of the year! I made a good grade in the math test, btu the profesor says NO WAY YOU ARE! What does that mean!??!?!

MARU MY BEST CAT TURNED 4 YEARS YESTERDAY!!!!! Thats about 300 person years I bet! He jumps to and out of boxes, and eats catgrass, adn is Japanese! My sister hates cats. She is a wide-load!!!!

Write me, every friend! I go to Baha California for vacation! OR AS FRIENDS SAY, "VACAY!"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Specials, for us and you

My favorite food! Look, it's tasty, and its creamed!

This should be my friend, she works with my favorite drink! BUBBLES TEA!

MY DAD would call them "Women-like tigers", but thats how it is in Japanese!

I am total excited for that university starts again this fall! My classes are not crazy, and times for meeting you is always optional. Going to learn some Chinese language, but at least the characters are same to Japanese, you know, sorta!!!!!!!!! My MOM says we take too many Chinese, and I think she's WAK-OOH!

Here's me when I'm in 80s! BEST BAND 4EVER!